Terms and conditions for Outclean

Terms and conditions

The use of the Outclean service is subject to the below terms and conditions. Using Outclean constitutes acceptance of these terms and conditions. Deviation from these terms and conditions is possible only by means of written confirmation from us (Web Consumption Ltd.).

Article 1. Use of the service

1.1           The service Outclean allows you to register online and directly request cleaning and/or laundry visits from us, called job requests. These job requests remain requests until around 1-3 day(s) before the visit, but become legally binding job agreements after you receive a confirmation from us that the job has been confirmed and scheduled.

1.2           These terms are valid for the online website and real life job scheduling & execution. We only deliver cleaning & laundry services in the specific cities mentioned on our website.

1.3           To use Outclean, you first need to register online. After completing registration, you can directly log in to your account and use the service to add your property details and default cleaning options, and request jobs during available time periods at these properties, by blocking off unavailable periods, or blocking them off automatically by importing data via an iCal link. We normally schedule tomorrow’s jobs in the evening (and as soon as possible during the day for same day job requests) after which you will receive a confirmation email that provides estimated start and end times of those scheduled jobs. The historic and most up to date start and end times are available via your login as well.

1.4           Job execution at your property consists of components as listed on our website, the main aspects of cleaning are:

  1. Trash & laundry bagging: (1) We collect all trash from your property into garbage bags. The filled and closed garbage bags will be deposited at the entrance (or optionally your designated alternative location up to max 50 meters distance) in the property. We provide these garbage bags. (2) We collect all dirty/used laundry from your property in laundry bags/baskets. The filled laundry bags/baskets will be deposited at the entrance (or optionally your designated alternative location up to max 50 meters distance) in the property. You provide these laundry bags/baskets.
  2. Cleaning: We clean your property within the requested available time period and according to desired cleaning options, as requested by you and scheduled by us at estimated start & end times. We will provide the necessary cleaning products/materials/liquids/tablets (but not laundry detergents). You will provide all large or custom items (such as: vacuum cleaner including an unfilled bag, bucket, and/or household ladder), but only if you or we deem them necessary for the proper cleaning of your property. We will not be held responsible for difficulty in cleaning due to such necessary large/custom items missing.
  3. Bed-making: We make all beds in the property by taking fresh sheets & towels from your designated fresh laundry location in your property. If you do not use our laundry services then you provide these fresh sheets & towels and then we will not arrange nor wait for delivery/washing/drying/searching of laundry.
  4. Reporting: We inspect the property during each job, and report deviations from your designated checklist, via email notification (and in your login) upon job completion.

1.5           You must secure access to your account using the username and password against third parties. In particular you must keep the password strictly confidential. We may assume that all actions undertaken from your account after logging in with your username and password is authorized and supervised by you. This means you are liable for these actions, unless and until you have notified us that someone else knows your password.

1.6           We process your personal data. You give your consent for all forms of processing within the scope of the service. Consult our privacy statement for more information.

Article 2. Terms of use

2.1           It is not permitted to use Outclean for any purpose that violates applicable law or regulation or these terms of service, including but not limited to fraudulently creating accounts or fraudulently requesting cleaning and/or laundry jobs. We may intervene without warning to end the violation.

2.2           If in our opinion the continued functioning of our (or third party) computer systems or network is actually or under threat of being damaged or jeopardized, for example through excessive transmission of e-mail or other data, leaks of personal data or virus activity, or you potentially damage or jeopardize us or our associates, then we may take all steps reasonably necessary to end or avert such damage or jeopardy.

2.3           We are at all times entitled to file a criminal complaint for any offenses committed through or using the service. In addition we are entitled to supply your name, address, IP-address and other identifying data to a third party alleging that you violate its rights or these terms and conditions, provided the validity of the complaint is clear, no other way of obtaining this information exists and the third party has an evident interest in obtaining this information.

2.4           We may recoup from you all damages we suffer as a result of your violation of these terms of use. You agree and hold us harmless from all third-party claims arising out of your violation of these terms of use.

2.5           We may refuse job requests at any time for any reason, but if we refuse requests then we will try to do so as soon as possible after your job request.

Article 3. Availability and maintenance

3.1           We use our best efforts to have the service available at all times and honor all proper job requests but make no guarantees about uninterrupted availability.

3.2           We actively maintain/upgrade/improve Outclean. Maintenance/upgrades/improvements to the service can take place at any time, even if this may negatively impact the availability of the service temporarily. Maintenance/upgrade/improvement is announced in advance whenever possible.

3.3           We may from time to time adapt Outclean. Your feedback and suggestions are welcome but ultimately we decide which adaptations to carry out (or not).

Article 4. Intellectual property

4.1           The service Outclean, and accompanying software as well as all information and images on the website, and accompanying real life methods and protocols, are all intellectual property belonging to us or our licensors. None of these items may be copied or used without prior written permission from us, except and to the extent permitted by mandatory law.

4.2           Information you store or process using the service is and remains your property (or the property of your clients, suppliers or licensors). We receive a limited license to use this information for the service.

4.3           You can terminate the license of the previous clause by removing the information in question. You may change or remove information you publish or store using the service at your own discretion, unless mandatory law obliges us to keep the information.

4.4           If you send information to us, for example a bug report or suggestion for improvement, you grant us a perpetual and unlimited license to use this information for the service. This does not apply to information you expressly mark as confidential.

4.5           We shall refrain from accessing data you store or transfer using Outclean, unless this is necessary for a good provision of the service or we are forced to do so by law or order of competent authority. In these cases we shall use our best efforts to limit access to the information as much as possible.

Article 5. Compensation for the service

5.1           Charges apply for all your job requests as soon we confirm them. Once confirmed, these cleaning and/or laundry jobs are scheduled and provided at the prices as listed on the Outclean website, whether you cancel or not, and/or whether you physically provide us access to your property, or not.

5.2           Every Sunday evening you will receive an electronic invoice from us by email, for the total price of all your cleaning and laundry jobs in the last 7 days, plus 1% collection & risk fee over your total amount due over previous invoices, which total should be received within 5 business days in one of our accounts using one of the payment methods we offer (details mentioned in the invoice). However, if there is no amount due over previous invoices, and the total price of all your cleaning and laundry jobs in the last 7 days is…
a) lower than 500 EUR on Sunday evening, then the 5 business (of 5.2) shall be increased to 10 business days.
b) lower than 250 EUR on Sunday evening, then the 5 business days (of 5.2) shall be increased to 15 business days.

5.3           If you have a foreign (to us) EU VAT number, and have provided it to us, then your invoices will be with 0% VAT reverse charged. If you have not provided a foreign EU VAT number to us then we are obliged to add VAT to all your invoices using the VAT rate for cleaning and/or laundry services applicable to your country.

5.4.          Refunds are as provided by mandatory law if applicable.

5.5           You are responsible for long-enough available time periods per job and if your available time period is too short, then we will clean the best we can for the available time, and then deem that job payable as if fully completed, and we will not come back for free later nor will there be any discount. You can request a second job for us to come back, which will be charged as a separate job.

5.6           We are supposed to work without any (communication with) occupants inside. If occupants are present and slow our work down more than 3 minutes in total, then we will report this to you directly and then deem that job payable as if fully completed and we will not come back for free later, nor will there be any discount. You can request a second job for us to come back, which will be charged as a separate job.

Article 6. Limitation of liability

6.1           Except in case of intentional misconduct or gross negligence we shall not be liable for the use of the service or any damages in connection therewith.

6.2           We shall in no event be liable for indirect damages, consequential damages, lost profits, missed savings or damages through business interruption.

6.3           Damages may only be claimed if reported in writing to us at most 7 days after discovery.

6.4           In case of force majeure we are never required to compensate damages suffered by you. Force majeure includes among others disruptions or unavailability of the internet, telecommunication infrastructure, power interruptions, riots, traffic jams, strikes, company disruptions, interruptions in supply, fires and floods.

6.5           Damages in connection with a cleaning and/or laundry job are as per these terms, or as provided by mandatory law if applicable.

Article 7. Term and termination

7.1           This agreement enters into force as soon as you first use the service and then remains in force until you cancel all job requests, pay all your amounts due to us and then remove your account, unless we break the agreement due misconduct from your side. If we break the agreement due to misconduct from your side then your amount due will remain due to us.

7.2           We are entitled to delete your login account if you have not used the service at all for a year.

Article 8. Changes to terms

8.1           We may change or add to these terms and conditions at any time. We shall announce through the service changes or additions, on all subjects other than pricing, at least thirty days before their taking effect

8.3           If you do not want to accept a change or addition, you can cancel all job requests and pay all open amounts and then remove your account. Use of Outclean after the date of effect shall constitute your acceptance of the changed or added-to terms and conditions.

8.4           Although we currently do not have any intent of doing so, if demand chronically increases on long-term or demand surges temporarily for special/popular events while we have only limited cleaners then we have the right to increase the price to a maximum of 200% if we notify you by email at least 24 hours before our final job confirmation. You can reject our price increase by cancelling the affected job requests, and if you do not cancel those job requests then the new price is deemed to be accepted by you.

Article 9. Miscellaneous provisions

9.1           The laws of our country apply to this service. Except to the extent determined otherwise by mandatory applicable law all disputes arising in connection with us shall be brought before the competent court for our principal place of business.

9.2           The version of any communication of information as recorded by us shall be deemed to be authentic, unless you supply proof to the contrary.

9.3           In case any part of these terms and conditions are declared legally invalid, this shall not affect the validity of the whole of the agreement. The parties shall in such an event agree on one or more replacement provisions that approximate the original intent of the invalid provision(s) within the limits of the law.

9.4           We are entitled to transfer its rights and obligations under this agreement to a third party as part of an acquisition of Outclean or the associated business activities.